Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wilocity WiGig Presents 60 Ghz Wireless Devices

When the Wi-Fi technology was presented for the first time to the masses, moving a few megabits of information per second between the computers was considered astounding but it has now become a bottleneck specially with the arrival of video streaming, HDTV and terabyte hard drives. At CES 2012,Wilocity demonstrated the revolutionary WiGig’s (Wireless Gigabit Alliance) multi-gigabit per second standard through many devices which included TV’s, mice, hard-drives, laptops, keyboards.WiGig now makes it possible for these devices to transmit data at apparently infinite speeds. This WiGig standard has been assigned the value 802.11ad and it has a data-rate of 5 Gbps. WiGig uses the wide-open 60 Ghz band. The interesting part of this standard is that the pair of devices don’t intervene with each other while communicating due to the shaping of the actual radio waves in a particular manner.

Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig)

WiGig standard will probably be integrated on laptops and other desktop PC’s through a high-end upgrade. The chips would be less costlier than the present Wi-Fi chips and it would be supporting backwards compatibility with 802.11 standards and Bluetooth as well. As Peripherals like tablets, phones, ultrabooks and netbooks don’t have the connector space or power to assist wired devices, WiGig standard has a huge scope in this market. It’ll take time before WiGig is adopted by the masses. Currently Wilocity is giving their parts to customers as a sample and is anticipating that products will be created soon using their parts. So in a few years time, there’s a hope that increased bandwidth will be available soon to homes and offices.

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